29 Jul

It's been a while here since our last  NOW update - if ever - well there is a lot coming mostly regarding our daily corner on  youtube

And our new local radio:


A new album coming out as well

And last but not the least - A new track featuring Marla Glen and Izhar Ashdot - getting some hot attention around the globe and being distributed by the old CD baby - the oldest streaming and CD distribution out there that was founded by the one and only Derek Sivers - Mr Sivers - these days in Wellington New Ziland had started that company as HELP for his own friends. Well today - already after selling the company - Mr Sivers has a lot of friends - including yours only

Whould like to dedicated this track to you Derek

Peace in Israel and all


* כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני לא תוצג באתר.